Sonntag, 11. Januar 2009

Do what you want ...

Hello everybody :D!

I didn*t do much today ... Except for eating da cake, man!! XDD Oh well. It was so tasty ... Plum cake ^o^.

Okay, what did I want to write about? I cannot stand the idea of a new week starting tomorrow. -_- However, I am strong, and I know I can do it ... Tschakka (or something XDD)!!

I will maybe post some tutorials in the near future :D. Such as, astrology and numerology related ... Probably even tarot. Just because I find it quite sad that there aren*t many tutorials about this on the intarwebz ;D.

Okay, now I am off to do something else *ahem* ... (Rina *hearts* Eurodance music! ^o^)

(And I guess I will write much more about my goal to lose weight this year ... Hooray for the confusingness!! I don*t care ...)

~ A pretty confused, but still true-to-herself version of Rina

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