Sonntag, 11. Januar 2009

Progressions and such.

Last night I dreamed something involving Közi, but I don*t remember much/anything (!) about it, so no dream interpretation now or anything ... Hm. What a pity ;D.

I wrote an entry in my LJ a few minutes ago, and it dealed with me not really wanting to start doing transit horoscopes and such, and now I find myself searching for hints as to what certain progression aspects mean. As in, aspects from my radix planets to the transit ones. Or whatever you call it (^^). See, my English should really get at least a little better *ahem*.

I also am interested in what the single Arabic Points mean. The entry I told you about is pretty long and deals with this subject. I don*t know whether I should copy it, but I feel like I want to know more about what the certain points mean in their signs and so on, but I cannot find any interpretations - except for the Part of Fortune. Meaning I might post a lot more about what I think it might mean in the certain signs and so on ... Maybe I should start today, but I don*t know ...

Moon has recently entered the 11th house of my natal chart ;). I guessed that it meant that friends play a certain important role right now. I am thinking a lot about friends of mine, not only in connection to my move, but also friends I sort of left behind. I don*t know whether it will get any "worse", but it*s sort of interesting to know this ...

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