Donnerstag, 22. Januar 2009

Doriimu!! Oô

Strange doriimu I had last night Oô :

Last night I had a strange dream that I only remember some scenes of. One of them I bent down, my back being naked. My German teacher, Mr H*, ate one of my anti-psychotics (Seroquel), and spat it out onto my back. It looked like a citron then Oô. But it was parted in the middle.

Then I also dreamed that Közi released a new DVD. Don*t remember much about it, but I was happy :).

I looked up some of the symbols of the first dream, since it was somewhat strange ... I didn*t talk to my German teacher much, and I certainly didn*t spit anything, nor did I think about it, and I don*t know where the citron comes from either.

Mh. So the citron stands for anger, deception, and so on. My German teacher really was a bit pissed off because I didn*t do my homework *lalalaaa* ... XD Maybe it also stands for my own anger and deception. This would also explain why it was parted in the middle : I didn*t feel angry recently, even though some people might if they were in my situation. I also remember I once spat my medication out; it*s just coming back to my mind but that was several years ago. :(

Spitting something out, as one of my former friends once told me, might mean that I don*t see any sense in this. Maybe Mr H* thinks the same thing?? Oô And, oh, the back ... Since I literally SAW it (like I was standing on my right), this is a plus, because if a back plays a special role in the dream, it means "Get to know your more intimate points of your personality!" Because I saw it this means that I might have found them (recently). also says that being spat on means success and luck (who wouldn*t have thought this now :P?!) ... I hope so :). Aaand ... Being naked means "wanting to be recognized for the real self". Which is sort of true ... I want others to like me the way I am. Because I often find people telling me that I should change my character traits ... I know some of them point to a mental illness, but on the other hand ... It*s still me. Why should I change this?! Who would be worth this change?! ONLY ME!! And as long as I feel good with myself, I don*t want to change anything ...

I don*t know; this is a lot of information, but if anyone happens to google all the words because they had EXACTLY the same dream, well, here you*ll find your information!!

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