Mittwoch, 14. Januar 2009

Some dreams I had last night.

I don*t feel very well, due to the fact I had a strange dream. But one thing after another :

- Sequence #1 : Meian* asked me why Jesus was so famous. I explained to her everything I know, and she listened. Nothing thrilling happened here, except for the fact I was always searching for the right words to express what I thought.

- Sequence #2 : We were in a bus (AGAIN!). By "we", I mean Meian*, my mum*, and me. Meian* and I took the seat that is in the front, the first one, on the right. My mum*, however, decided to stand on the staircase that leads into the bus (in front of our seat). We talked about something I don*t remember, and we somehow knew that at one moment, the bus will have to drive down a very steep street. However, it didn*t happen this time ... The fact we "knew" about that is just that I remember so many dreams of mine inside a bus where this happened ... And I always was scared of this moment.

- Sequence #3 : I flirted with some guy who worked at a fast food restaurant or something like this. He also flirted back and whatnot, but then I felt sad because it came to my mind that I wasn*t alone.

BESIDES THOSE DREAMS, I have probably found the ideal career for me :D. I will maybe write more about this later, since I have to get going and go grocery shopping now. Do not want XD. Ah, but I have to ...

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